Friday, November 07, 2008

An update on the world around me...

Again, I am behind on my blog, but you have probably come to expect it by now :)

Facebook - I have taken the plunge, and built out my Facebook profile, so if any of you are on there feel free to look me up :)

School Computer Lab - We had our 1st Technology Committee meeting, and are now in the process of ordering some new lab equipment, and making plans for a mid-year upgrade.

Hockey - Tommy's Hockey is going great, and we are all still having fun going to the games etc...

New Baby - We had an appointment on Monday, and everything went well... Dawn is really feeling the baby move, and I am getting excited for the new addition.

Austin - We are still doing learn-to-skate, and Austin seems to be getting better. From a school perspective he is doing great, and we are really happy with his progress.

CIPTUG - I am going to conference this week in Orlando, so I ordered a 2-day Park Ticket for myself, so hopefully I will have some fun while I am down there and get re-energized.

Work - We are preparing for a major phone system upgrade in the next few months, so things are going to get crazy busy again. We are also still trying to replace the person who was working with me on stuff, so that will help settle things down.

Well, that's it for now... Have a Great Day!



Amy said...

Great update!

Have fun in Disney, not fair!!

Julie said...

Bring back some warm weather when you come back from Florida. Or else, let the snow we had today be all we see until Christmas!

Jill said...

Glad to here everything is go great. Have fun and be safe in Florida.

Dawn said...

Are you kidding Julie? I could go for a snow day this week. ;)