Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dawn at Today Show

Dawn went to New York, and left me at home with the boys... I don't want to sound like a wimp, but let's just say it has been a rough go of it for me. Keep in mind that she went to DC just a few weeks ago, and my work has been extremely crazy lately (and it is going to get worse before it gets better).

Anyway, several years ago I went to New York on business, and on a cold November morning trudged several blocks to be at the Today Show. I had told Dawn to tape it, but she didn't, because she got up late. So, as she sat there eating her Cheerios, she saw me waving, and saying, "Hi Dawn, I Love You".

Of course, I had to work this morning, but I setup the DVR, and after watching the video below you will see that she decided to say hello to Julie... So, I guess that tells you where the boys and I rate these days... Anyway, here is her 1/2 second of fame (if you look close you might also see Jill, Lupe, and Amy)... I put this together pretty quickly (on the MacBook of course)...


Dawn said...

Ok Joe, YOU and the Macbook ROCK!! Very cool. The girls and I have watched this and believe that I said "HI JOE!!" Very cool eh?

Glad I'll be seeing you tomorrow and the boys.

Joe said...

Hmmm... I think my readers know the truth :) I can see the Post Secret coming soon. I really did say Hi Julie instead of Hi Boys on the Today Show, and somehow in the whole ordeal my foot landed in my mouth...

Anyway... Last Night, Austin was extremely excited to see the clip, and Tommy was too tired to care after a long day at Hockey Camp.

Julie said...

Oy, oy, oy - what is Julie suppose to say to all of this?! Let me think ...
You know I read lips and I saw Dawn saying, "HI JOE"!!! I didn't see the formation of the 'l' but only Dawn really knows what she said. No doubt happened so fast, I would have just froze and said - blblblblblblbl! Not surprised to be able to see Dawn more than once. After all, she is so-o-o-o pretty. And her back up girls were right there too.
THANK YOU JOE!! and your wonderful Macbook for posting this. I wasn't able to see this yesterday as I was working as well. I couldn't get to a tv until 8:30. Too late to see the girls live. This is awesome to be able to see the clip. TY!

Dawn said...

Ok, been home and got to see it again and I just have to say one thing. Dang I look good in HD. :p

Thanks for the compliment Julie!

Amy said...

I hear that long "o" sound coming out of her mouth:) Great clips with your side effects added in!!

Jill said...

Joe you are great.

Looking for up dates on Tommy's games this weekend!!!