Saturday, February 02, 2008

Tommy Scores - Brought to you by the MacBook, and iMovie!!!

If you saw the clip earlier in the frame to the right, I apologize... I was trying to post right before church, and it wasn't working, so I didn't realize that it was over there... Here is the video of his goal. This was his first goal for the Mite 2007 - 2008 season! I utilized iMovie on the MacBook to import, clip, and upload the video to YouTube! I will get better at this as time goes on.

In other news - I am sick... I signed up Tommy for baseball today, and he is going to play minors. It is a step-up from T-ball/Coach-Pitch, but I think he will like it. The boys are over at Grandpa Paul's for a visit, so it is nice and quiet around here... We are going to the Dow Event Center tomorrow, so that Tommy can compete in a Shoot, Skate, and Score competition.

EDITED @ 9:16 PM EST on 2/2/08 by Netpappy - I removed the duplicate YouTube video that was posted.


sherri and Adam said...

WTG Tommy.... pretty cool video Joe....Now I am jealous of your MacBook, but I'd have no idea how to do any of that fancy stuff....I can't even post pics yet...maybe today

Jill said...

Fantastic!!! Please go further in the video! We would love to see Tommy's reaction after the goal.... and Dawn sit in her nachos!

Dawn said...

Jill - The videographer was so excited that he clicked pause right after the goal! I didn't even see Tommy's reaction because I was mobbing my MIL! Bummer eh? Sorry, no nacho butt pics either. ;)

Mike said...

Beautiful display of skill, Tommy!

Mike said...

...and great work with the MacBook, Joe. The replay was sweet!